The BBC mini-series The Nativity will be shown on the following dates in the UK.
Monday the 20th
Tuesday the 21st
Wednesday the 22nd
Thursday the 23rd
all at 7 pm and on BBC 1. Each episode is half an hour.
Reviews and comments can be found HERE, HERE and HERE. An earlier post on the miniseries from this blog can be found HERE which contains an audio link to an interview with the writer, Tony Jordan.
It will be starring, among others, Montreal actress Tatiana Maslany (whose home town, I am now brusquely reminded, is Regina, Saskatchewan) in the role of the BVM along with a host of well-known TV personalities from the UK.
Peter Graystone, from the Church Army, who saw the complete series at a press preview in October, describes it as
"...funny (very), believable (totally),Which give rise to the following unhelpful excursis:
sexy (yes!)".

I believe Peter Graystone may well have hit on something.
I'm thinking that some T-shirts with the Church Army crest and the words "Sexy (Yes!)" written underneath it would do the world of good for an organisation like the Church Army, which has much to its credit but which has a woefully inadequate level of marketing and visibility.
But I digress.....